We Review & Compare Solgar Quercetin Complex

Solgar Quercetin Complex with Ingredients List

What’s So Great About Ester-C?

Quercetin Complex contains a non-acidic form of Vitamin C called Ester-C. This patented form of Vitamin C stays in your white blood cells for 24 hours, providing round-the-clock protection.

People who have a sensitivity to acidic foods can tolerate Ester-C well because it does not cause irritation. Therefore, if your stomach gets aggravated when you consume regular Vitamin C tablets, consider trying Ester-C (otherwise known as Calcium Ascorbate).

Yasmina Ykelenstam, the Low Histamine Chef, explains why vitamin C is so advantageous in a Quercetin supplement. (By the way, the TwinLab supplement that she uses as an example no longer is for sale).

In comparison, Twinlab contained 1400 mg of Vitamin C per serving (vs 500 mg in a serving of the Solgar brand). However, Solgar also contains citrus bioflavonoid complex, bromelain, rose hips, acerola, calcium and rutin.

According to Dr Andrew Weil, both citrus and rose hips are high quality sources of vitamin C. In addition, Source Naturals Activated Quercetin also contains Vitamin C, Magnesium and Bromelain in its supplement.

Furthermore, this product incorporates acerola berry, citrus bioflavonoids, rutin and rose hips into the ingredients for additional immune-strengthening benefits.

Why Take Quercetin Quercetin Complex with Bromelain?

Lastly, Quercetin Complex contains bromelain, a protein-digesting (proteolytic) enzyme. This anti-inflammatory enzyme also fights allergies, and you will commonly found it in other quercetin supplements.

Another reason to consider using a quercetin supplement that contains bromelain is for the multiple health benefits that bromelain itself offers. On top of its allergy-fighting advantage, it also helps with joint pain, asthma, sinus infections, digestive disorders and injury recovery.

4.5 stars out of 5 star rating rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

Note: I found that some people take this product instead of regular Vitamin C to keep disease at bay.